To choose line ends from the Object Format dialog box

  1. Click the Format Tool in the toolbox.

  2. Click the Line Ends button in the ribbon. The Line Ends menu opens.

  3. Click Ends. The Object Format dialog box opens with line end options displayed.

  4. In the preview window, click the end of the line you want to change. (The end on the left is the first end; the end on the right is the last end.)

  5. Click the button of the desired line end, using the scroll arrows to locate the one you want.

  6. Click Apply. A selected line changes to the new style; if no objects are selected, subsequent lines draw in the new style.

The default options are Same Type and Same Attributes for both ends of the line. You can deselect these options to use two different end types or to make the two ends a different size, angle, and so forth.

To reset the line end to none, you can click No Ends in the Line Ends menu or choose the line with no end in the dialog box.

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